Difficult by P
With attention to every detail we add a special touch to your wardrobe making everyday a little more stylish, fun, and exciting.
We work according to the ideas and designs of Founder and Head of Design, Patrick Ekwall, with influences from all around the world. Difficult by P designs luxury sneakers with the highest quality on the market from Italy.
We base our craftsmanship on many years of experience, care, and accuracy.
We do not compromise quality for anything.
Om bolaget
Alphovgruppens övergripande affärsidé är att investera i företag långsiktigt och då gärna verksamheter som sätter människor i centrum på olika sätt.
Enerbacksgatan 38
431 66 Mölndal
Tel: +46 768 610935 |
Mail: kontakt@alphovgruppen.se
Copyright Alphovgruppen AB